
I will not Fail

What things would I do if I knew that success was assured? What things would I accomplish if there were no limitations? Do I feel that is more in me that I am able to express? These questions resonated with me as I go over my devotional readings this week. Failure may have shown up in me in the past but victory is in my future. I will not fail because:

1. We have been Chosen

It does not matter in which way we enter into the world or through what circumstances, we were meant to be here. “We did not happen to be, we were chosen by God to exist.” – Mother Angelica. Just as we go into a store and specifically choose what we need and what will be beneficial for our plans, God also chose us for a purpose. God thinks so highly of us that He sacrificed His only Son so that we would have the opportunity to be in a relationship with Him. He loves us with an unconditional love. He is omniscient, which means that He is all-knowing. That assurance that there is nothing about us that has or will catch Him off guard. He knows our start to finish and everything in between. He chose us despite anything that He knew and placed us here for such a time as this. Our life is not accidental because there is purpose flowing through our veins. He created us to be a solution to a problem. God’s view of us is nothing but lofty thoughts. His thoughts for us exceed anything we could ever think of ourselves, and relationship with Him is the only way to align those visions. We will begin to see our value through spending time with Him in prayer, meditating on His word and rehearsing those things He over us. We were purchased at a high price. We are full of purpose. We are chosen by the Most High God. It is time to live like that. With Him, we can’t fail.

2. We have been given Power

In a world with so much injustice, disruption and hatred, it can seem that we become powerless. If we are honest, there are times when we have felt powerless in our own life. This can be dangerous place to be because feeling powerless often leads to desperation, and desperation can lead to bad decision making. There are moments in life when we our human ability will reach its limit, but there is never a time when God is powerless. God is omnipotent which means that He is all-powerful. He has an endless supply of “super” that is at our disposal. It doesn’t matter what we have experienced or what we may be up against in the present; we have what it takes to take it through. He created us and equipped us to be victorious in any situation that we could face. He is our power source so we can handle anything that may rise up against us. So, let’s access that power. We may need to take a moment to recharge our battery and that is okay because He wants us to rely on Him. Prayer and meditation on His Word will refill us. We do not have to fear, worry or throw in the towel. We can rest in His power and we will not fail.

3. We have been given a new beginning

“We must be willing to let go of the life we’ve planned, so as to have the life that is waiting for us.” – Joseph Campbell.

The reason that many have a hard time believing that they are chosen or that they have access to God’s power is because of a wall of unworthiness. There are many with a past that seems to be unforgivable or even a present that we may not be proud of. Let’s be assured that God was already aware of our past, present or future. God is omnipresent which means he exist outside of time, giving Him access to all of time. He knew about every hardship, obstacle, bad decision and sin when He created and assigned purpose to us. Our flaws and mistakes did not get us off the book because all of those things were already accounted for. That was the purpose of God sending His Son- Jesus. He knew that we would have shortcomings and would be in need of redemption so He was proactive and put a plan into motion to provide us with a fresh start. God is not stuck on our perceived failures nor is He caught off guard by our mistakes. God’s purpose for our life is not contingent on perfection by our own right. God simply is looking for us to accept the gift that He has for us. He wants us to come and trade in our old life for a new one. He wants us to surrender our faulty plans for His perfect plan. There is no failure in Him. When we allow Him to abide in us and us in Him, we can access everything He has for us. Victorious living is not a chain of events but a posture of our mind and heart. When we know who God is, we know that no matter how something may look, it is and will always work out for our good. May this encourage us to embrace the new life available to us. We do not have to work for it. We do have to beg for it. We must simply accept the gift. We will not fail.

I will not fail.

Forever Grateful of my purpose,
