

Lord God, I know that your desire is for me to become all that You created me to be. Help me to develop and to use all the talents, abilities, and gifts that you have placed within me.

Guide me O Lord that I may be able to maximize my potential – to become the woman You created me to be.

Remind me each and every day that challenges, opportunities or goal in front of me, are to speak to me that I have to pursue with all my whole heart, mind, and soul — and that I have to do it with strength and courage.

I will be strong and courageous. I put my full confidence in you for I believe that You alone have the ability to give me the victory. I will encounter danger and difficulties with firmness and without fear. Help me to be bold, brave, and resolute. Be with me that I may fulfil my calling in a spirit of valor and determination that overcomes any obstacle that the enemy would put in my path.

Thank you always and forever for being my strength when I was weak.

Thank you for the love and mercy.

Forever Grateful,




Lord, let me decrease so you will increase.

Help me demonstrate Christ, who lives in me and so other people who come in contact with me can see your reign and power.

I pray Lord that whenever the world knocks me off and  I cannot take any criticism wholeheartedly, help me to see you through and just so the negative remarks will just slide off me.

I pray that I can go through my life’s work with JOY because for I know that YOU LOVE ME, and Your opinion of my value never diminishes, never changes, and the only opinion that truly counts.

Forgive me Father for the numerous times that I lack faith and for the times that I fail to acknowledge your presence in my life. My critics, my detractors, and my enemies have no hold on me when I draw your identity, your help and the sense of worth from You alone.

You are my HOPE and GLORY.

Thank you Lord for the unfailing love.

I am Forever Grateful,



I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made, your works are wonderful.
I know that full well.

– Psalm 139:4

 I am fearfully and wonderfully made. This is something that I am embracing these days. I will never be ashamed to declare that I am his child.

My thoughts of myself are pure and positive. I learned that I am special and unique individual with a grand purpose and destiny in this life.

Thank you, Lord for this reminder. There are lot of times that I tend to compare myself with others and get insecure but thank you for reminding me that you love alone is enough and that puts me securely into full dependence on you alone. Thank you Father that you have created me wonderfully and most importantly with a grand purpose in making Your name known. Be my guide, O Father.  Protect me when I am dismayed and life me up through your mighty hand that I may be able to glorify your name forever.

Father, you know fat better than I know myself and you designed a specific destiny for me –something that only you personally can fulfil.

Thanks for the daily reminders of just how much I matter to you. I’ll celebrate your grace in my life beginning today.

Forever Grateful,




God never intended for his children to live a life characterized by defeat. He doesn’t expect us to live in defeat in our thought life, our emotions, our attitudes, our self-control, or our faith. He paid much too high a price to allow us into His family just to watch us fail in our attempts to function as His family member. HE LOVES US TOO MUCH TO ALLOW US TO FAIL!

Not that I have already obtained all this,
Or have already been made perfect,
But I press on to take hold of that for which
Christ Jesus took hold of me. –Philippians 3:12

Heavenly Father,

I will never forget that I am saved from sin, not to sin.

I do not claim to be walking in the completeness of my perfection in my present human condition, but I press on to take hold of it for this is the reason for which Christ Jesus took hold of me.

Thank you for the Holy Spirit.

He is the abiding presence of Christ’s life within me. 

Thank you that I can continue pressing on to take hold of the prize.

I celebrate in God’s faithfulness in my life.

Forever Grateful,



God’s Amazing Promises

Not only that I am chosen by God to be His child, but he has also adopted me into His wonderful family. He has made amazing promises in His word, promises that he is committed to fulfilling in my life. And he has not only made these promises, but He stands ready to perform them, to make them come to pass in incredible, sometimes surprising ways.


Then the Lord said to me, “You have seen well, for I am ready to perform my Word.” – Jeremiah 1:12

This has promised that His goodness and mercy will follow me, all the days of my life. All He asks is to trust in Him.


Thank you, Lord for calling me out from the darkness and to be back into your wonderful light. Father, you know better than me and You have designed specific destiny for my life. Give me the patience to wait and to appreciate the amazing things You have bestowed. Thank you for letting me soar high through Your daily reminders of just how much you matter. I will continue to celebrate Your grace in my life beginning today.



Forever Grateful,





through Him, with Him,in Him

Heavenly Father, I pray that You would unlock my heart that I might be fully alive to my true identity in You. Give me clear revelation to see myself the way You see me. Help me to stand in Your truth against all enemy attacks and guard my heart with all vigilance (Proverbs 4:23). Help me to identify the lies, and reveal to me any places where I am chained to the past in a negative way. I repent of any lies of the past. Teach me to hear Your voice and not believe the enemy’s destructive lies about who I am. I thank You for my uniqueness and that I am made in Your image (Genesis 1:27). I want to understand and feel the deep things in Your heart for me (1 Corinthians 2:10-12). I choose to believe the truth about how You see me. I thank You that I can hope in the future and believe in the good destiny that You have for me. You have vision for my future. Help me to live a fruitful life now and overflow with Your love to others. Give me greater authority in my prayer life. I want to know You on a deeper level, and I don’t want anything to hinder my relationship with You.

Forever Grateful,



Blog, Prayer


Genesis has been a great chapter. Now, I am starting another chapter on the journey of the Israelites. The theme of Exodus is the fulfillment of God’s promises to the forefather’s forefathers.  The success of the Exodus must be credited to the power and purpose of God, who remembers his promises, punishes sin, and forgives those who repent.


As I read the introduction to my ESV Study Bible, it says this book highlights Moses’ faithfulness and prayerfulness and so I am thrilled to know his journey. In the coming days, I will devote my time discovering how God remembers his promises and how he will use the life of Moses for the execution of His great plans.



Heavenly Father, thank you for giving me the opportunity to learn another powerful chapter in the Bible. As I enter another chapter, I pray that you speak to me and that I open my heart to see the real beauty of your love and how it is truly to trust in You.


Thank you for always reminding me to Hope, that in your presence, nothing is impossible. As you have drawn Moses out of the water, you too will fulfill your plans in my life. I do not know what lies ahead yet I’m joyful to know that You will be with me. Help me to be more faithful and prayerful. Teach me to be more discerning and to depend on you at all times.


I thank you that even in those million times that I fail You, you are still with me. I am in awe of your graciousness. I am grateful for your unending mercies. What could I give in return?


Forever Grateful,





“I came so I may have life and live it more abundantly.” John 10:10


I have just recently read a great story of a Christian woman who’s known to have an abundant life. She is showered with blessings wherever she goes because she sees God as a BIG God, an all-powerful God, with whom nothing is impossible. I’m so amazed by her story and I pray that I can also be like her.



Here are the characteristics that I am praying for:

  • I will not put limit and restrictions on God.
  • To maintain a positive outlook, no matter how hopeless a situation seems. God will turn them into good for me and to other believers.
  • I pray for an intimate relationship with Him, not just because I do everything right.
  • I pray that God will lead me to be someone who is truly “abiding” in Christ and living in union with Him every moment of every day. As it was written, “I am the vine, you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you are nothing.” John 15:5
  • I pray that I will be sensitive and obedient to His leading at all times.
  • I pray that I will not dwell on my mistakes and will not allow myself to be overwhelmed by guilt and condemnation.
  • I pray to be always quick to give God the thanks and the praise for all my blessings.




Heavenly Father, you are the most important thing in my life. I pray that I continue to be committed to doing whatever I need in order to maintain a vibrant and intimate relationship with you. Surround me with people who will challenge and inspire me to live a blessed life that will draw others to You. Let me see you as the BIG, LOVING and GIVING God you are. All these I pray in His mighty name, Amen.








Prayer, Relationships

Para Kanimo Mommy

“Her sons rise up and call her blessed. Her husband also praises her:”


Dear Lord, thank you for my mom and for all the love and patience that she has diligently given to me throughout my life. I am so grateful for her and although I don’t often show her how much I love her. I do want to thank you with all my heart for blessing me with my dear mother.

Thank you for all the sacrifices that she has done for me on so many times and for the way that she never seems to think about her own needs, but always tries to do what is best for me.
I pray your special blessing on my mom and ask that you would guard her and protect her with good health and fill her with your comfort and joy  – and may she grow ever closer to You in the days that lie ahead – this I ask in Jesus name.


The grateful daughter,







In His Presence

Heavenly Father, speak to me

What is this you are telling me?

Are you even saying something

or it’s just me refusing

to listen and accept?

I am unsure

But you know my heart

Be my guide.



. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Father, help me to maintain the right relationship with you.

I pray that eventually following and trusting you won’t be a conscious act but A WAY OF LIFE, a kind of life of pure surrender of you sovereign love.

That day will come as you have promised.

Help me Lord.




Seeking and Forever Grateful,

