
Still Enslaved

#Roadto30 Journal: Day 10 of 31


“I will be with you.” Exodus 17:6


In Exodus 17, God said to Moses that he will stand before him there on the rock. The Lord’s presence presumably was in the pillar of the cloud. In this passage, I view God as the life-giving water that flowed from the rock.

Israel journeys from Egypt to Rephidim and responds to difficulties like the need for water and food. From there, Israel will make their final short journey to the wilderness of Sinai. The people again quarrel with Moses. He wonders why they continue to test the Lord. They show a hardness of heart like Pharaoh and the Egyptians. Though they were already freed from the Egyptians, it looks like that they are still enslaved by their selfishness and disobedience.

I have come to realize that whenever we have a problem, it is much easier to blame someone than to think through the problem carefully and spiritually. The Israelites could have asked God to meet their needs but instead, they blamed Moses and did nothing to help solve the problem.  This attitude among the Israelites was their great sin.  In this time of difficulty, they directly or indirectly doubted the loving presence and care of God among them.

Despite all of these, God made a striking miracle. It’s no less of a miracle for God to bring His love and power out of our hearts than it is to bring water out of a rock—our hearts can be just as hard.



Ransomed and forever grateful,




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